The Marten Bequest Travelling Scholarships for Australian Students

The Marten Bequest Travelling Scholarships provide talented young Australian artists (aged 21 to 35) with the opportunities to explore, study and develop their artistic gifts through travelling either interstate and/or overseas.

The scholarships will in 2024, provide financial support for the disciplines of acting, instrumental music, painting and poetry to help talented young Australian artists achieve their dreams. While in 2025, it will provide financial support for the disciplines of architecture, ballet, prose, sculpture and singing. The scholarships are administered by Creative Australia on behalf of Perpetual as trustee.

The Marten Bequest Travelling Scholarships scheme was established in honour of John Chisholm Marten (1908 – 1966) who was born in Kent, England and moved to Australia at a young age, residing in Sydney for his adult life. He was a theatrical artist and well known for his appreciation and support of the arts community.

John Chisholm Marten was known for his active involvement in many different art forms. He was trained in Spanish dancing and served in the merchant navy during the war. He also co-authored The Bali Ballet Murders with Cornelius Conyn, which was published in Australia, London and translated into Dutch and published in the Netherlands. (“The Bali Ballet Murders” can be found at the Mitchell Library A823/C768/IAI).

How to Apply for Zolve Global Scholarship.

Scholarship Benefits

Scholarships are each worth $50,000, payable in quarterly instalments over two years.

Eligibility Requirements

The Marten Bequest established the following terms as the eligibility requirements with no exceptions:

  • Australian citizens
  • Within the age of  21 to 35 at the closing date.

Note that you can’t apply for a scholarship if you:

  • have an overdue grant report
  • owe money to Creative Australia
  • were previously awarded a grant through The Marten Bequest.

What you can apply for

In 2024, you can apply for the following disciplines:

  • Acting
  • Instrumental music
  • Painting
  • Poetry.

While in 2025, you can apply for the following disciplines:

  • Architecture
  • Ballet
  • Prose
  • Sculpture
  • Singing.

Application Process

The Marten Bequest Travelling Scholarships applications are submitted through Creative Australia’s Application Management System (AMS). Once you sign into the AMS, click on ‘Apply for a Grant’ from the left panel menu. Scroll down the list of opportunities. Under ‘Co-Investment Opportunities’ and select ‘The Marten Bequest’.

You are required to fill your application form with the following information:

  • your name and contact details
  • confirmation that you are an Australian citizen
  • confirmation of your age
  • which discipline you are applying for
  • information about your practice, your professional experience and your career goals
  • the proposed aim and activities of your scholarship (names of teachers/institutions, travel plans, dates, etc), and how your planned activities will assist your artistic career
  • support material relevant to your proposal.

Applicants are required to visit the scholarship official website below for more information and application.

Official Website


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