United Negro College Fund Scholarships | Apply now

The United Negro College Fund scholarships are pathways to success, opportunity, and empowerment for students of color across the nation. By investing in education and supporting the next generation of leaders, UNCF is helping to break down barriers and build a brighter future for all. Whether you are a high school senior preparing for college or a graduate student pursuing advanced studies, UNCF scholarships offer a lifeline of support to help you achieve your dreams and make a lasting impact on the world.

UNCF is the largest and most successful minority education organization in the United States. Since its founding in 1944, UNCF has raised billions of dollars to support students attending its member historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and other institutions. UNCF’s mission is to increase the number of college graduates from underrepresented communities by providing financial assistance, mentorship, internships, and other support services.

Types of United Negro College Fund Scholarships

Some of the most notable UNCF scholarships include:

  • Gates Millennium Scholars Program
  • UNCF General Scholarships
  • UNCF STEM Scholars Program
  • UNCF/Koch Scholars Program
  • UNCF Corporate Scholars Program

Benefits of the United Negro College Fund Scholarships

  • Financial assistance to cover tuition, fees, books, and other educational expenses.
  • Access to academic and career support services, including mentorship, tutoring, and networking opportunities.
  • Recognition and affiliation with the prestigious UNCF community and its corporate partners.
  • Opportunities for professional development, internships, and job placements in partnership with leading companies and organizations.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for UNCF scholarship, you must have:

  • Minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale
  • Full-time enrollment in a college or university, presently or prospectively
  • FAFSA application filed
  • Financial need verified by the financial aid director of the college or university you wish to attend.

Tips for a Successful Application

  • Keep your eyes open and watch for announcements of scholarships on your guidance counselor’s bulletin board, at your church institution, in your library’s college section or in your local newspaper.
  • Do not miss deadlines. Stay organized and create timelines for yourself, just as you do when applying to colleges and universities.
  • Describe yourself in terms of the interest of the sponsoring organization. Show how your goals match theirs.
  • Tell your story where the applications requires an essay. Keep it real and personal. Share an important experience from your life that will help the reader understand what makes you, you.
  • Clean up your online profiles   because many colleges and universities conduct online searches of the students they are considering. Make sure your Facebook, Twitter and other public social media profiles show your best self.
  • Proofread your work and review everything before you submit. Enlist help from parents, teachers, coaches and other trusted adults who can serve as another pair of eyes to make sure your work is strong and error-free.
  • Make and keep copies for yourself. This is because after you have spent so much time putting together a great application, you would not want to have to re-create it if it gets lost in the mail. Be sure to make a copy of everything you submit.

Apply here!

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